Useful links relating to abracadabra

Link collections

Here is a collection of links relating to abracadabra that may be useful for anyone looking to do something similar.

Github Repositories



Academic Papers

Audio Thumbnailing of Popular Music Using Chroma-Based Representations

The above paper was more about feature detection for search and retrieval as opposed to robust fingerprinting for search after distortion.

Pairwise Boosted Audio Fingerprint

The above paper is about a new approach to finding filters and quantisers for fingerprinting music.

Computer Vision for Music Identification

Dejavu works in a similar way to the paper outlined above.

An Industrial Strength Audio Search Algorithm - The original Shazam paper

Papers referencing Wang:

Similar Projects

Probably the closest in scope and implementation is dejavu by Will Drevo.

An algorithm that takes a slightly different approach is Chromaprint.


Playing with Shazam fingerprints


Use Cases

Alignment of videos of same event using audio fingerprinting

De-duplicating music library


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